Just now, I was very sad, I think ‘sad’ is to light to describe my feeling.. I think, yes, hurt is more suitable.. I know I’m useless.. I failed to control my emotion well..
I really love blogging.. This is a place where, nobody will blame me or disagree with me.. It’s so quiet, always there to listen to me, let me say whatever I like.. It watches me cry, let me be frank.. It has become my best friend, though I hate to admit it.. It’s kind of miserable to say so..
I cried so hard that my eyes had swollen and my voice changed totally.. I wanted to find someone to talk but another me inside asked me not to do so.. Is everyone same with me? Feeling down but have no one to talk to, so they just swallow all the pain inside..
I tried to talk to him, but his words are just like knife, cut me open and keep me bleeding.. He can’t understand me.. He can’t..
是没有人能够帮我,还是我拒绝了别人的帮助?I don’t wanna walk alone.. I’ve tired of it.. ok, stop thinking。。
It’s a damn cold night, try to figure out this life, would you take me by the hand take me somewhere new, I don’t know who you are ,but I, I’m with you…
I know, be wise.. Don’t worry, I’ll be wise.. because I’m a retard..
Ok.. I just want to clear my mind out before the very exam is coming, I can already hear the footsteps..
A ‘confess’ to my feeling, yes, I think honesty is the most beautiful manner in this world, at least I’m not cheating myself..
If you think of someone every moment, miss him like hell, does it mean you actually fall for him? I’m not sure, but I do think of him everyday, I dreamt of him once, sometimes I even have a strong feeling to him.. He gave me a very special feeling, I don’t know how to describe it.. Though my friends don’t think he’s a good boy, but, I’m not going to date him, so it really doesn’t matter if he’s a good guy or not..
We are totally different, like we don’t share any common interests, sometimes I feel like talking to him, but I don’t know what to chat.. He is so open, but I’m kind of hide-in-mist.. Seems like no story to continue.. haha.. My friends told me, ‘no worry, if two people are meant to be together, they will be together in the end..’ Ok, this sentence, I used to tell them so many times, and now it returns to me.. Funny..
How long will I miss him? Beats me too.. But for now, for the next few months or even the whole year, I’ll keep missing him.. Like, missing him, just like breathing, it happens naturally.. just so simple.. Thanks for appearing in my life..^^
I have so much to say, but I don’t know where to start and what to start with.. There are plenty of thoughts on my mind now.. Like I don’t have a clue about the life I choose..
Recently, I found my ‘talent’, what I mean is, I can do it well without any difficulty.. My brother first found it out, he told me, I am gifted in it, why don’t I head for it? I was wonder, how much can I ‘do’ with it? Will my talent give this world anything? Yes, I love it, I enjoy doing it, I got passion to it, but, can’t it just be an interest? I really love it…
Frankly, I love science too, but I am a bit, well, almost tend to things about earth and environment.. I am not really interested in engineering.. I choose to do it, just because I can do more with it..
Well, I have about 11 months to do the final decision.. Though I know there will always have another small track for me, whenever I think it’s time to change my direction.. I’ll always have chances.. And so do you..
My life afterward, will I have another mate by my side? The real one.. Like, they always say, well mostly just joking, ‘find a rich man and marry him and live happily ever after..’ hahaha.. If my boy is rich, what can he give me instead of money? Will he behave like ‘money is everything’ then working is more important than me? Then soon after we will have quarreled over some silly things then get divorced? What if he’s having affair? If I have a husband, my world is no more belong to me alone, and, if I have a child, will I sacrifice my time for him? Oh.. Marriage is terrible..
I did a silly thing before, and maybe that’s why my beloved one always leaves me? When he wanted to keep me by his side, I’ll scare and run away, I even said, ‘you chase, I run.’ And, another he said, ‘ You promised me to give me your world.’ I replied, ‘no, I’ll never say it, I think is ‘I give you my word, not world.’ At that moment, he must be frustrated.. What the stupid things I have done.. I am a super idiot in love.. Some say this is the so-called Gemini behavior.. haha
我突然明白,那些没有家的孩子们,为什么总能比一般孩子成熟,坚强。。在他们的世界里,没有所谓的back up。。每件事,他们都得对自己负责。。他们没有家,which let them turn back and rest when they have no strength to carry on。。在这种情况下长大的孩子,怎能不学会坚强呢?他们只能一直往前走,就算转过头,也没有人向他们挥挥手。。不会孤单吗?不会无助吗?
I don’t know why can’t I calm my mind when the exam is around the corner.. Maybe I’m just nervous? I can’t stop thinking, all irrelevant to exam.. What the hell??
I think of him, the sweet moments we had before.. the way he talked to me, like ordering, but I found it funny actually.. some conversations I love, like..
“can you read me a bedtime story? Oh I want a bear bear with me..” “sure..” “don’t you think it’s childish?” “no..it’s ok..”
“send me some photos now..” “huh.. tomorrow can or not?” ‘no,now..’ ‘ooo…’
“can I eat French fried?’ ‘no..’ ‘a little bit..mabye 1/4 of it?’ ‘no, pls don’t eat it, you cant..”
‘what did u have for lunch?’’ ‘instant mee…I love it!’ ‘who said you can eat instant mee?’ ‘huh,you didn’t say cannot..’ ‘you didn’t ask also..’
Everytime you call, first two things you’d ask are “have you eaten?” ‘have you take medicine?’ I hate routine, but I love it actually..
You asked me, I don’t like to chat through phone, why still I chat with you? I don’t like to take photo, but yet I still take for you? Silly boy, this type of question, you don’t have to ask, you know it well..
So, since you been gone, I have returned to the way I used to be, seldom chat through phone, also seldom(almost no) take photo already.. well, it’s carefree.. but, sometimes, I’ll think of you.. it’s normal, isn’t it?
Days without you, like nothing really bad, normal,like nothing different,but deep inside, I’m not sure..
Going my 1st backpacking soon, so bad that the one who go with me is not you..
I’m alright! Thanks for the memories you’ve left for me..^^
那天,就跟他坐在海边聊,他告诉我,他会看相,好奇哦,就让他说说我,结果,出乎预料,全都说对了,怎么可能??他说,一个人的眼神不会说谎,因为这样,我学会了控制自己的眼神,除非我愿意,不然不会再有第二个朋友能这样read me.. 他说,我很容易相信别人,很容易被骗,结果我就学着不要这么容易相信别人,但很多时候,I just follow my intuition..他是我认识不久的朋友,但却能这样聊了一整晚,也难怪朋友会误会我们。。那次之后,我们就很少说话了,闲言闲语,是很累人的,though I know my friends are just joking..另外一点就是,he can read me, so I start to avoid him.. just natural reaction..haha..
我想站在陌生的街头拉着我心爱的曲子,有没有人欣赏无所谓,但我相信会有的;我想拿着相机走在陌生的街头,把一切完美的,不完美的,刹那间的镜头拍下。。我想一个人在陌生的街头走走,离开的时候,是另一个自己,更贴近真实的那个自己;我想握着第三世界儿童的手,想给他们温暖的拥抱,想告诉他们,they are not forgotten;我更想站在舞台上,完整的呈现一支舞蹈,me alone can attract the spotlight;我想。。。。。。但我选择的未来,有一些,或许无法实现。。
I don’t feel like talking.. and blogging is the best way to express my feeling at the moment.. I know I can’t continue the life style I’m having now.. It really kills me.. My level has increased, my chest-ache got happened more frequently than ever.. If people know my situation, they will not blame me of not going school so often recently.. my both hands are pain because of taking blood.. every few months have to do so.. and now they want me to do a check up again, my chest.. no.. I’m not going to check it.. just let it be.. just don’t feel like doing so.. my health is..like sucks.. mentally is ok now, stronger than before, but physically, has never been improved.. most probably I always skip medicine.. I deserve it.. so, D, if u read this, can you recall what I’ve text you before? My funeral.. if I leave this world all of a sudden, can you plan my funeral as I’ve told u? who knows?? Don’t worry I’m not going to commit suicide, not so silly.. haha.. just.. who knows?? Haha.. I pray, for a better tomorrow..^^
P/S: I think not many people know that this is a private blog, only someone I trust will know this place.. And that’s why I can post my feeling here as much as I can..
I really hate the feeling of missing someone.. like he’s staying in your heart, so still that u can’t get rid of him no matter how hard you try.. you wonder if he’s also thinking of you, and the answer is, maybe, or definitely, no.. you love to talk to him, to hear from him, you love every little thing that make you and him link together... but the thing is, you have to face the truth, you and him, are from different world.. totally different.. though you don’t understand why god let two of you meet, maybe it’s just a joke.. again, another joke.. you have tired of it, you have worn out, one day coming, he will date another girls, and you will meet someone else that make you like having one more glance.. you don’t even have a chance to let him know your feeling.. and why the hell do you two meet? What for?? You don’t have a clue.. maybe, again, another no-answer-question... I pray, next time, no joke, ok??
魔鬼说:我讨厌你们!I HATE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME! 我讨厌你们说这样做是错的,当我问为什么时,你们却答不出。。我讨厌你们对我限制太多,你们说,这是为我好,却不知道我到底要什么。。我讨厌你们对我的不信任,如果你们选择不相信,就不要问我这么多问题。。我讨厌你们一直活在过去的思想,自己却忘了不是每个大人都能变成龙应台。。我讨厌你们总是以同一个角度去审判我,当我不同意时,我就是叛逆不受教。。我讨厌你们事情还没结束就妄自下定论,忘了事情到最后总是有个大逆转。。我讨厌你们无论我怎么说怎么解释,你们都不接受。。我讨厌你们总是告诉我该怎么做,你们觉得犯错是错的,却不知道我总是从错误中学习。。我讨厌你们对我的影响,让我一直都在和自己的内心抗争。。你们总是说这样做不好那样做不对,但你们又知不知道,这个社会。对与错的界限,早已模糊了。。大人们,你们知道吗?
天使说:你不该讨厌他们。。如过没有他们,不会有现在的你。。过去的一切促成了现在的你。。如果没有他们的影响,你不会一次又一次的与自己的内心争辩。。you will not keep searching for the right, you will not stand for yourself, hold your faith so tight..你应该感激这一切。。
自己说:But I lost.. Again and again.. Am I too timid to do what I want and like? Am I a coward who dare not abide the consequences?
第二本书,我足足等了一个多月才运来bp的。。《我的私房日记》,讲述有关马来西亚人在世界各地背包旅行的故事。。他们当中多数是自己出走的。。在旅途中,当他们独处,自己与自己对话时,他们发现了自己。。每一篇,都让我有很深的感触。。每个故事都这么真实。。它让我每读完一片章节,都沉思了许久。。Then I looked around, and looked at myself, and asked : “Is this what I really want? If not, what do I really long for? What I’ve done, I did it for people around, or just for myself? Should I think of them before action? Can I just follow my feeling and passion? And, WHY NOT?” 什么时候,我才能跳出所谓枷锁,找回我自己,那个真正的自己?我习惯了伪装,已经忘了,真正的自己,是什么样子的。。
但,我知道,I’m still on the way of searching myself, 不远了。。
P/S: 不要告诉我要怎么做才对,也不要用所谓的标准框着我。。
请允许我犯错,还有我的自我,因为,I’m only 19… I’m a white devil, and I love of being so..