Thursday, March 25, 2010

for rabbit...

suddenly feel like writing something for my friend though i'm not sure will he read this.
he is stupid
he is bastard
he is damn suck
he is a fool

eh rabbit,
go to a place where u belong to
vienna, london, new york, brooklyn or wherever,
take your guitar and run for it~
oh don't ignore your piano~

put aside your responsibility, just for a while.
fulfill your dream before you die.

stupid rabbit!


I am doing good.
5 years~
have to do it right in 5-years time.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I think I'll be alright~just stop thinking and hope for a better tomorrow will be good~
We hope for,we pray for,but don't expect~I say a prayer,hope that and trust that what belong to me will come back to me,sooner or later~
Now,I got something more important to do,dad want me to get 4.0 in my foundation.I don't know but I think I should.So,go for it~Like a star that can be reached~
Others,I said,for what I can't control,I just follow my feeling,then,pray and hope for,but never expect,and I accept what comes to me.
Then,do it RIGHT!

I am good~
ok guys~i am happy now! i am offered a place to study english language! yoohoo~ i don't have to worry if i don't get offered by that uni, where else can i go coz english course can merely be found in private uni.
here i come~
i am happy~^^

Monday, March 8, 2010


Sunday, March 7, 2010



先说说我负责的幼儿班。我只教了他们一个月,就被派为全职陪读老师(which I hate the most)。
我的小朋友都很可爱,但他们可爱的外表下,多多少少都有一点单纯的小恶魔。哈哈!每次都会被气到,但后来想想他们也不过如此而已。像我有一个‘大鬼头’ A.T,他,真的是不听话到~可是,他真的很有天分,很聪明,也很坚持己见,这个,我还挺尊重他的。他的世界里,云不一定是白色,花不一定是红色,他的彩色笔盒一定要放第一个,排队要当第一个,还一定要跟他的好朋友J.X坐在一起,但又喜欢kacau她。
‘J.X,你看'过旗',有过旗。’ ‘过旗?是国旗啦!’
圣诞节要到了,他会哼着‘jingle bell jingle bell jingle all the way~’ 可是,新年要到了,他还在Jingle bell~ ‘A.T,换歌咯~’ ‘他静一下,然后继续Jingle bell~原来他不太会新年歌~
对了,他还有个弟弟,他叫他gene gene。gene gene 每次都不吃的,有次,我同事就叫A.T喂,A.T就似模似样的喂他。 ‘gene gene来,哥哥喂~’ gene gene 不听,他就把汤匙硬挤到弟弟嘴里,之后,gene gene 真的把饭吃完了。但这之后,gene gene 都等哥哥喂,haha~ ‘gene gene 做么不吃?’ ‘哥哥喂~’ 他还不太会说话。看到哥哥来了,他就会拿着碗硬挤到哥哥旁边。真的很可爱~

而我的六岁半也是,我不知道为什么我对一个男同学很凶很严格,但他每次看到我,都会很开心的叫我。而他,虽然不是很聪明,但很单纯,很直~哈哈!听他讲话,有时候你会无言~ =_=''

有一次我在课室外替他们检查书包时,是热到~这是我发现我的学生还不去冲凉,在我面前不懂晃来晃去干嘛,正要生气时,看见她在调风扇,我问‘你干嘛?’ ‘调给你咯!’ 感动耶~
还有,每次喝下午茶时,我都没去,因为很多功课赶不完。我的一个学生拿了一大杯水上来,说‘姐姐今天这个特别,很好喝,给你。’ ‘特地拿上来个我?’ ‘annah~’ 感动~


Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I can't persuade my daddy mummy, I can't go Sarawak to study, they said too far, can't simply reach by car. Ok, no Sarawak, Perak also quite far enough, from my house la. Wow I hope can go study faster. Kor kor said I have to score more than 3.7, which is first class degree in order to get job or go further study easier. Ok ok, this time I can choose my favourite course(though dad and mum keep saying that's a rubbish course and asking me to change my mind and ask if I can change to another uni like mmu with the reason of NEARER), there is no excuse for me to hate the subject I am studying. I hope, a new start for me, no matter what.

And here, I don't know why, I depress easily. Uurrgghh, I'm way too stupid when I see the disasters keep happening around whilst I am still here, sitting comfortably. Yup, I am just not wise enough.

Ok, I advise myself, if I lose something that is not belong to me anyway, there is nothing to sad about. And when I lose something, obviously, that is not belong to me. Just not.
