Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
I’m worn out.. Physically and mentally.. I wonder, 要达到一个梦想,需要多大的勇气和努力?
Yes, I dare to dream, but, I lack of something, something that keep me going on, no matter how hard it is.. I got passion, I got plan, but feel like I lack of the strength to carry on.. Of course I’m not going to give up, I won’t give up as long as I still long to get it.. You can’t fail in life unless you quit.. I’m not going to quit.. No I won’t.. Why the hell do I choose this path? It’s so hard.. but it worth.. It worth a fight.. I don’t care if anybody trust my ability, I trust myself, and it’s more than enough.. hahaha
P/S:当我们选择看见世上所有美好的事物时,是不是也该换个角度,看看身边是否有需要帮助的人?Even if what can we do is giving them a hand, or just a warm smile, to them, it is priceless.. HOPE.. What they want is being respected and hope..^^
Saturday, September 12, 2009
我不喜欢上学,因为讨厌。讨厌什么?讨厌学校的制度,教育的制度,还有老师的态度。来说说我小学吧!小时候的我,任性,固执,倔强,叛逆,但有点小聪明。一句话,品行不是很好。像我这样的一个学生,竟然当上巡查员?那时候,巡查员是老师选的,品行和成绩是重点。那时候,我的成绩,算是挺好的,品行方面,老师是看到我不错的一面。有一次,老师在选图书管理员,没选中我,老师看出我失望的心理,偷偷告诉我,她想让我当巡查员,开心。但我就是那种绑不住的孩子,要我乖乖念书,遵守校规,听从指示与职责。。天啊~但还是很努力的去克制。以前,我和一位朋友负责升旗,他们说,升旗的工作,都是由团长和副团长负责的,那时,我负责国旗,他们以为,我就是未来的团长,吓死我~我一点都不想。我的性格,不适合这种墨守成规的东西。之后,我就常犯错,小小错误,不足挂齿,不该,是因为,我是巡查员。说道成绩嘛,人家在考UPSR,我在啃Harry Potter,结果被老师捉到,被训了一顿,那次试考,我只拿了五科A,老师当然很不满意,父母也是,人家哥哥当年是拿全A的。。结果,正式考试,我很认真地作答,但也只拿四科A。。老师无言,父母也气得半死,说要放弃我了。。
再过几个月,就要结束制服校园生活了。好开心。可能是我看起来很乖,也可能是我隐藏得很好,所以看不出我其实很叛逆。Just like liquid, has no fixed shape..但,我喜欢我自己,这样的自己。。哈哈!
P/S: 我喜欢林悦,非常欣赏她!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sorry, and thank you..
I am sorry, sir.. I didn’t do well in my papers.. You are such a good teacher I’ve ever met, but again and again, I’ve let you down.. I’m not your favourite student, and of course you treat every student equally.. Do you still remember what you’ve said to me? You asked me to choose my own life, you said it’s my own future, it’s all about I myself.. Your words gave me courage, let me to stand still on my path.. Sir, without you, I might not be who and where I am now.. Sir, will you give me one more chance? Let me prove it.. I’ll will use my final result to say, “Thank you, Mr. Yung See Boon..”
Monday, September 7, 2009
十五天过去了。。依然会伤心难过。。其实就不需要逞强。。难过就难过,想哭就哭吧。。才过半个月。。time cure almost everything..凡是都没这么绝对是不是?前段日子常去kl。。每次经过芙蓉大道,都会想,离他不远了,但实际上,距离再怎么近,我永远都离他很远。。记得那几天,应该很开心去逛街,可是心怎么都沉沉的。。躲在表哥房里,边听歌边哭。。我很抱歉对表哥的态度那么冷淡。。我的朋友雯雯,很早就劝我放手,只是。。总是要走到尽头才能看清。。她可以说是我的consultant。。看着她现在这么幸福,自己也很替她开心。。这几天吃了久违的杯杯面和快熟面。。不知道为什么还挺喜欢吃的。。诚实地面对自己的感受,我很难过,很难受。。但总会没事的。。
P/S: 其实,我只想要一句yes or no。。原来,有些问题,不会有direct的答案。。它不是1+1=2。。
Sunday, September 6, 2009
just like this..
我觉得,我是幸福的,也是幸运的。。幸福是,当我遇到困难时,总有朋友伸出手扶我一把。。给我忠告,鼓励与支持。。幸运是,it’s never too late to find out the truth and see the whole story.. 伤心是难免的。。研究显示,适当的眼泪,对眼睛有益无害^_^ 我该生气吗?我该讨厌吗?这样不好吧,我的眼睛不能承受多一条皱纹了。。是该感激的!感激让我发现以前从未发现的事,感激让我学了不少东西。。与其生气,伤心;不如放手,让他离开自己的世界。。傻瓜再傻,身边也总有精明的朋友看着。。朋友们,谢谢你们哦!我知道这阵子我有点nag。。哈哈。。
P/S: 很久没有出来喝茶了,想念你们,下次你们看到我时,我的笑容,是由衷的。^_^
Friday, September 4, 2009
My ke ke
There is a man, who plays a very important role in my life.. I remember, when I was young, I was once a very naughty girl, who never listened to people’s advice.. I jealous easily.. He was more outstanding than me, in every field.. I hate he was better than me in everything.. But… He was very important in my past, without him, I won’t be who I am now.. He is always so patient to me, accept my bad habit and hot temper.. I can’t describe him in word.. He is something more than words.. He treats me so well.. He even tidy up my room when I’m busy(or act lazy?) you can’t understand how touched I was at that moment.. He is my big brother.. Seldom people really know me and understand me so well, but he is one of them.. I feel blessed of having such a good brother.. I just wanna say, “ker, you have done a good job as being a brother.. you are really a great brother!”
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Sometimes, life is hard...
Physics is hard, chemistry is hard, maths is hard, relationship is hard.. Conclusion: Life is hard! Haha.. I love physics, when I spend almost two hours to understand the concept and find the answer out.. I love chemistry, when teacher doesn’t ask me the question that I have no idea of it.. I love maths, when I have tired of doing physics and chemistry.. I love them all, when I study and learn on my own way and no one force me to do so.. haha..
I love him, and I miss him like hell.. Missing him has become part of my life, like breathing, like air, you can’t control as he is there.. I once owned him,but now I lost him.. so.. should I sad for it? Maybe it’s god’s will? My friend said, “不是路已走到了尽头,而是该转弯了。。” She is right.. So I turned left, and he turned right.. Then..? Continue walking, of course.. haha.. Maybe a couple years later, I meet him again.. At that moment, will he touch my heart like the very first time I met him? Who knows? Exam is coming, gambateh!
P/S : 我把对你的爱,转化成深深的祝福;一瞬间,我明白了,什么是爱。。。
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
那一天,逛街时,经过一面镜子,turned my head left,我看见了她。她转过头,我们四目交接。透过她的眼睛,我看见了sorrow,一种毫无防备的情况下才会透露的眼神。她很小心地回避了。
And, she did it…